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How Often Should You Get Your Septic Tank Pumped?

Jul 26, 2022

Like many other systems in your home, the septic system also requires occasional maintenance to remove solid waste that can lead to malfunctioning. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, a typical household should have their septic tank inspected every three years by a septic tank pumping service. If you think it's time to get your septic tank pumped, consider the following information about the frequency of this service.

Inspection and Pumping Frequency

The frequency of inspection and pumping of your septic tank is important because it helps you know when to get your tank pumped. On the one hand, leaving your septic tank for too long without getting pumped can diminish its functionality and cause a health hazard. If not pumped, solid wastes accumulate inside the tank and find their way into pipes, causing them to clog.

On the other hand, pumping the tank too often can lead to unnecessary spending, reducing investment returns. It will be a waste of service to call a septic tank pumping service if there is insufficient scum or sludge accumulation in your tank. Additionally, pumping the septic tank too often reduces the good bacteria necessary to break down waste in the filtration process.

Signs That It's Time to Pump

The right time to pump your septic tank depends on several variables. For instance, factors such as the tank size, climate, and garbage disposal availability affect the interval for conducting a pump. However, there are several indications that you can look out for to know whether it is time to pump your septic tank. Some of the common ones include:

  • Foul smells from your drains or close to your septic tank
  • A pool of water in your yard close to your tank
  • Green and swampy areas in your yard
  • Slow drains in toilets, tubs, and sinks

If you notice any of these signs, it is time that you hire a professional septic tank pumping service. Often, these are indications that your tank is near full capacity and should be pumped.

Keeping your septic system in good condition is vital. If you believe your septic tank should be pumped or you'd like a professional to inspect it, contact The Drain Doctor. We'll ensure your septic tank is in working order!

septic tank pumping
23 Dec, 2021
Septic tanks need to be pumped regularly. If you're wondering about how you can know when you need septic tank pumping, there are a few signs.
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